Heptio Guide to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2017

Eryn Muetzel
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2017


Heptio is excited to share that we will be at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Austin next week. Will you be there?

It has been humbling to watch KubeCon grow from its first event in 2015 with roughly 500 attendees to where it is today, with organizers expecting ~4000 attendees. KubeCon is clearly an important event for Heptio — it is an amazing opportunity for us to meet with customers and partners, learn about the challenges you are facing, and chart our course together for making Kubernetes easier to use.

We have a lot going on next week, and want to make sure you know about all of the opportunities to engage with us. If you are interested in meeting 1:1 with someone on our team, please email inquiries@heptio.com.

Booth in the Expo Hall

Come stop by Heptio’s booth to learn how Heptio is making Kubernetes easier to use with training, services, support, and open source tools. Ask any questions you may have, and get a demo of Heptio Sonobuoy Scanner, our free tool that helps ensure your Kubernetes cluster is set up correctly.


We will be offering Kubernetes training on Monday and Tuesday prior to the event, for both registered conference attendees and anyone else who wants to join. You will have the opportunity to meet Kubernetes co-creators and Heptio founders Craig McLuckie and Joe Beda, get a signed copy of O’Reilly’s “Kubernetes Up and Running”, co-authored and signed by Joe, and join us for happy hour. A few seats remain, so sign up now!

Introduction to Kubernetes and Containers — Monday, December 4th

Kubernetes Hands-On Workshop — Tuesday, December 5th

Can’t join us for training at KubeCon? Check out our other scheduled courses at heptio.com/services/training.

Conference sessions

This year we have seven conference sessions where you will get the opportunity to learn about specific topics from Heptio team members. Come check these out and get your questions answered.



A few other activities

Looking forward to seeing everyone in Austin!



product @heptio. seattle is my home. outdoor and adventure lover.