“Kubernetes Up and Running”, a Free eBook Excerpt from O’Reilly and Heptio

Eryn Muetzel
Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2017


We are excited to announce the availability of a new eBook, “Kubernetes Up and Running”, co-authored by our CTO, Joe Beda. Heptio has teamed up with O’Reilly to offer this excerpt as a free download.

Joe, Craig McLuckie (Heptio CEO), and Brendan Burns originally created Kubernetes with the goal of radically simplifying the task of building, deploying, and maintaining distributed systems. Kubernetes was developed based on a decade of experience deploying scalable, reliable systems in containers at Google; but the power of Kubernetes lies in its applicability for organizations of all sizes, including individual developers.

This book is a practical guide to the core concepts of Kubernetes. It also delves into the reasoning behind choosing those concepts and and how they can be used to improve the development, delivery, and maintenance of distributed applications. The excerpt begins with more introductory topics including how to take advantage of common commands for the kubectl command-line tool and how to deploy an application using pods, labels, and annotations, and follows with more advanced topics such as service discovery, ConfigMaps, secrets, and the deployment object.

Joe and Craig started Heptio to bring the power of cloud native systems and Kubernetes to every organization. We are proud to sponsor this excerpt to help developers and operators get started with Kubernetes.

Get your free excerpt of “Kubernetes Up & Running” today.



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